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How to Utilize the New Amazon CX Health Metric

Evelin Goldin

Amazon is always making changes to their Seller Dashboard in order to optimize seller metrics with the overall buyer experience. In a recent update, Amazon introduced a new dashboard called the “Voice of the Customer”, which includes a new metric called the “CX Health Hub”.

This article will explain the role of the CX Health Hub, and provide some tips on how to stay on top of this metric to maintain compliance.

What is the CX Health Hub metric, and what does it analyze?

CX stands for “Customer Experience”. According to Amazon, “CX Health is determined by comparing your offers’ negative customer experience rate with those of similar offers”. In this case, seller offers’ ONLY refers to the items that have recently been sold to customers. Items that are listed which have not been recently sold, do not get analyzed within the CX Health Hub.

Also, only product related issues are taken into consideration. The CX Health Hub does not analyze any delivery related complaints. Some common product related issues include damaged items, mislabeled items, defective items, and inaccurate or incomplete detail pages.

What is the best way to monitor the CX Health Hub metric?

CX Health is categorized by several colors which indicate different levels of performance:

Green = excellent

Light green = good

Yellow = fair

Orange = poor

Red = very poor

When the CX Health Hub metric is in the orange or red category, this is called an “NCX” or “Negative Customer Experience”. We recommend that sellers pay close attention to orange and red colored tabs, and constantly review buyer complaints in order to avoid falling into those categories.

How will CX Health and NCX Health affect seller accounts?

Currently, Amazon states that “CX Health and NCX won’t result in any account-level action”. Even though this is their current stance, the long-term effects of NCX Health metrics are unknown at this time.

At the moment, we see this new metric as a positive development for sellers. Sellers can take advantage of the additional information and statistics provided in the CX Health Hub, and make proactive choices if they see issues with specific items.

Previously, buyer complaints which were made directly to Amazon, were not shared with the seller. This meant that buyers could easily complain regarding items, and sellers would just receive an unexpected warning or suspension notice. Often times, competitors would use this to their advantage to file false claims, which would result in issues for many sellers. Now, buyer comments can be assessed by sellers, and product or detail page related issues can be corrected in order to prevent suspension.

Also, if a competitor is attacking an account, sellers can more easily identify patterns, and be proactive to resolve the matter with Amazon.



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